Innosuisse International Programs Stakeholder Event 2022

November 22, 2022

Welle7 - Workspace (MeetingRoom XL)

It is our pleasure to announce the Innosuisse International Programs Stakeholder Event on Tuesday, 22 November 2022 at the Welle 7- Workspace, Bern.


As in the previous (2019 and 2021) Stakeholder events, participants can meet their peer group and receive valuable inputs on international collaborations. This year’s event will provide a platform to discuss challenges in international projects, learn about application support and evaluators view on applications and get first-hand information about the new Innosuisse instruments and new funding rules in 2023.


The detailed program for this year’s event can be found below.


09:00 - 09:30
Arrival coffee

Coffee and networking for all guests

09:30 - 10:30
Input on: New EU Partnerships

Key Digital Technologies, Driving Urban Transition, Health and Care System Transformation and Eurostars

Scope: get first-hand information on opportunities of the new generation of EU co-funded programs, the call topics, the funding rules, the deadlines and the networking opportunities.

10:30 - 12:00
Panel Discussion

Experiences and Challenges in International Projects 

12:00 - 13:30
Lunch break

Lunch and networking for all guests

13:30 - 14:30
Input on: New funding rules for bilateral cooperation and Eureka

Scope: The revised legal basis of Innosuisse shall enter into force in January, 2023. It will allow Innosuisse to fund companies and other partners implementing project results of bilateral and Eureka projects. Get familiar with the new funding rules and check the suitability for your future endeavors.

14:30 - 15:45
Interview: how to write a good application

Scope: writing a good proposal is a challenge, especially for organisations, who don’t apply regularly. In an inter-active interview the application services of Euresearch for R&D institutions and of Mentors for SME will be explained and an Innosuisse expert will elaborate what is crucial for writing a good application from her/his point of view.

15:45 - 16:30
Open networking on-site

Networking for all guests


Welle7 - Workspace (MeetingRoom XL)

Schanzenstrasse 5, Bern
3008 Bern

Welle7 is located in the very heart of Bern: between work and home, between Geneva and Zurich – at the railway station Bern PostParc. Covering an area of around 14 000 square metres and eight decks, if offers a unique and diverse mix of shops, catering, education, services and business for commuters, pedestrians and enterprises.

Getting there

by public transport

Work out the quickest route to Welle7 on

  • by rail
  • Bern main railway station, Welle exit. Direct access via the bridge over platforms 1-13.
  • by bus/tram
  • Bus Nr. 20 or Postauto Nr. 100 or 101, Schanzenstrasse stop (immediately in front of the main entrance to Welle7).
  • Or Tram Nr. 6, 7, 8, 9, Hirschengraben stop.

by bike

Park your bike in the bike park and buy a day ticket for CHF 1.00.

Sign up to attend / not attend